Check out the fun new art I picked up at The Handmade Market in Raleigh a couple weekends ago. It's by Jaime Zollars, and it's called A Blue Homecomming. Her website is being "reimagined," I love that. You can view more of her work at the Nucleus Gallery website. And let me say OMG, I got the piece for $25 and picked up a frame and mat from Michael's for less than $25. I think I got a steal!! Thank you Handmade Market. Golly, though, now I want more of her work. My friend Sharon picked up a great piece, too, called The Ninja Snow. The story behind the piece Sharon purchased was Japanese folklore about Tengu. Sharon and I walked away knowing we'd picked up a couple of real finds, and we certainly did.
Check out the fun new art I picked up at The Handmade Market in Raleigh a couple weekends ago. It's by Jaime Zollars, and it's called A Blue Homecomming. Her website is being "reimagined," I love that. You can view more of her work at the Nucleus Gallery website. And let me say OMG, I got the piece for $25 and picked up a frame and mat from Michael's for less than $25. I think I got a steal!! Thank you Handmade Market. Golly, though, now I want more of her work. My friend Sharon picked up a great piece, too, called The Ninja Snow. The story behind the piece Sharon purchased was Japanese folklore about Tengu. Sharon and I walked away knowing we'd picked up a couple of real finds, and we certainly did.