Linda, Kayla and I enjoyed enjoyed the
Brownsburg Garden Tour today. Despite torrential rains here yesterday, six homeowners readied and opened their gardens today to help raise funds for The Tia Foundation. The Tia Foundation is a not-for-profit association founded by Monica Scott of Brownsburg, Indiana in memory of her dog Tia, as I was told. The foundation was developed to aid and rescue neglected, mistreated and abandoned animals -- to restore their faith in mankind and ease the animals' transition into healthy and happy lives with loving and caring families.
I now know how much prettier Indian Summer is compared to simple Black-Eyed Suzies. Do cottonwood trees grow in North Carolina? This four-year young garden has a wonderful cottonwood that created an audio aspect that for me is the pinnacle feature of any garden. The rustle of this tree's leaves is perfect. The homeowner said she can even hear the leaves whispering all the way from her bedroom. What a gentle lullaby.